
Don’t call it a book club.

Hot Takes; Dumb Nerds

Fourth Wing: Part Three

Don't call it a book club.
Don’t call it a book club.
Fourth Wing: Part Three

Bikers rights (11:00 to skip)! New worst power discussion incoming. Chocolate cake is not food and Dan’s theory takes flight. Special thanks to VOLO for the intro and outro music.

Fourth Wing: Part Two

Don't call it a book club.
Don’t call it a book club.
Fourth Wing: Part Two

Dan wants recognition for his restaurant loyalty (11:25 to skip). Violet is taking the chosen one trope to a whole new level and is the absolute most special. Liam is […]

Fourth Wing: Part One

Don't call it a book club.
Don’t call it a book club.
Fourth Wing: Part One

No warm up, things are hot enough already. Worst dragon power of all time? Also, who is growing flowers specifically for this purpose? Power to the scribes and we need […]

Wind and Truth: Part Four

Don't call it a book club.
Don’t call it a book club.
Wind and Truth: Part Four

Controversial opinion: watching sports is a lot more fun if you cheer for the team that’s going to win (8:00 to skip). Adolin is unstoppable and Kaladin deserves a big […]

Wind and Truth: Part Three

Don't call it a book club.
Don’t call it a book club.
Wind and Truth: Part Three

Luke and Dan are living on hard mode sometimes (9:00 to skip). Is it time to conquer Shinovar? Does Odium follow daylight savings time? Are we peeing in the pool? […]

Wind and Truth: Part Two

Don't call it a book club.
Don’t call it a book club.
Wind and Truth: Part Two

The fellas tell you how to host a proper board game night (8:40 to skip). Shin society seems quite stable despite some uh… shaky foundations. Kaladin needs to teach me […]

Wind and Truth: Part One

Don't call it a book club.
Don’t call it a book club.
Wind and Truth: Part One

Luke and Dan don’t want your gifts (12:13 to skip). Its been a while since the boys have thought about Roshar so there is definitely some catching up to do. […]

The Dark Forest: Part Three

Don't call it a book club.
Don’t call it a book club.
The Dark Forest: Part Three

Dan has another run in with a weird boi (9:35 to skip). Is everyone in the future a big dummy or did they do a big mass mental seal day […]

The Dark Forest: Part Two

Don't call it a book club.
Don’t call it a book club.
The Dark Forest: Part Two

Movie watch (9:34 to skip)! Luke and Dan are not impressed. Get wallbroken, nerds. Special thanks to VOLO for the intro and outro music.

The Dark Forest: Part One

Don't call it a book club.
Don’t call it a book club.
The Dark Forest: Part One

Happy new year folks, today we’re warming up with all things pie (10:15 to skip). Apparently, this is a hot take, but we’re coming out strongly by saying that imaginary […]