Tag: Will Wight

  • Waybound

    To keep our spirits up on this bittersweet day Dan gets us warmed up with an update on his dance moves (9:20 to skip). Messing with time is super overpowered, […]

  • Dreadgod

    Luke gets us warmed up with reports from Olive Garden (9:15 to skip). Several new segments are introduced in this episode, you know we’ve got to have Hype Time and […]

  • Reaper: Part Two

    Turns out Reaper and The Fast And Furious movies have a lot in common: both are all about fam. Dan takes a victory lap and Luke wants to know how […]

  • Reaper: Part One

    As is tradition we’ve got to do some Ozriel theories before really getting started. Another tradition we’re sticking closely to is requesting some non-combat-related paths! Where are they guys?! Luke […]

  • Bloodline

    Will Wight continues to impress with his ability to make the power scale in his stories absolutely absurd. In our return to Sacred Valley, we’ve got a lot of feelings […]

  • Bonus Episode: Anticipation for Bloodline

    Check out this short bonus episode to get ready for our full Bloodline episode coming out tomorrow! This one is all about our big expectations for the newest Cradle book.

  • Wintersteel: Part Two

    Luke and Dan shout out correct predictions from the /r/Iteration110Cradle subreddit (follow us on twitter @DCitaBC for those embarrassing tweets). Dan thinks Mercy got a raw deal and Luke reveals […]

  • Wintersteel: Part One

    To mark the excitement of the new Cradle book Dan is starting this episode with a great theory addressing a classic Cradle question. We’re diving deep into the politics of […]

  • Wintersteel Fan Theories

    Luke and Dan disprove a whole barrel of theories from the /r/Iteration110Cradle subreddit in anticipation of the Wintersteel release tomorrow. The rules: 1. If Luke or Dan can refute any […]

  • Uncrowned

    Since everyone has so much extra time at home (stay safe everybody) we’ve got an extra long episode to round out our Cradle marathon. You miss 100% of the shots […]